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The Chifs team approaches the match against the Baltimore Ravens, with three victories in a row. However, it is Baltimore that should give answers to how today’s Chefs is ready for the playoffs.
Meanwhile, Kansas City has attracted more and more attention to Tyrik Hill, who has made six touchdowns in the last four games. Basically, all this was done due to its speed. Hill is a former athlete who won a gold and a bronze medal for the US national team at a youth games in Barcelona a few years ago. I think that Hill will become a very important player for this match, which will make Chiefs attack run.

Game ended, final score 24:27 Chiefs win, after overtime.

Butker scored Field – Goal

4th quarter ended, score 24:24, overtime!

Butker receives Extra – Point

Williams makes Touchdown – Pass

Tucker receives Extra – Point

Brown makes Touchdown – Pass

4th quarter started.

3rd quarter ended, halftime.

Tucker receives Extra – Point

Williams makes Touchdown – Pass

3rd quarter starting now.

Second quarter ended, halftime.

Butker scored Field – Goal

Butker receives Extra – Point.

Kelce makes Touchdown – Pass

Tucker scored Field – Goal

Tucker receives Extra – Point

Dixon makes Touchdown – Run

Second quarter started.

1st quarter has finished, halftime.

Butker receives Extra – Point

Williams makes Touchdown!

First quarter starting right now…

Game will start soon.